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Seána Traditional Irish Harp - Seana Davey

Seána Traditional Irish Harp - Seana Davey

Regular price $ 17.00 USD
Regular price $ 20.00 USD Sale price $ 17.00 USD
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Seána studied the harp and piano with the Royal Irish Academy and continued to University gaining one of the highest grades in the performance section. Seána also holds 5 All Ireland titles. Seána is one of Ireland's most accomplished and versatile young harpists. She has been playing the harp for 17 years and has performed for various dignitaries, both political and international.

Released: 1st October 2010

1) Jigs: Kitty Come Down to Limerick - The Shandon Bells
2) Reels: Nigel Davey's No.1 - The Flying Column
3) Harp Piece: O'Carolan's Draught
4) Jigs: McIntyre's Fancy - Jimmy O'Brien's
5) Air: An Ciarraiovh Maillithe
6) Set Dance: St.Sinchill's Well
7) Jigs: The Humours of Glynn - Rockin' the Boat
8) Reels: Ornette's Trip to Belfast - The Baltimore Salute
9) Harp Piece: Carolan's Concerto
10) Jigs: Tom McElvogue's - The Woods of Old Limerick
11) Harp Piece: B'fheidir go b'fhuil, B'fheidir go won't
12) Reels: The Corner House - The Flood In the Holm

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