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Mill Records

Music From Ireland and Scotland - Grainne Hambly & William Jackson

Music From Ireland and Scotland - Grainne Hambly & William Jackson

Regular price $ 20.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $ 20.00 USD
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This CD is a must-have for anyone interested in traditional Scottish/Irish music (especially harp).

William was a founding member of Ossian, a traditional 'supergroup' that spun an intricate tapestry of traditional melodies, vocal harmonies, and inspired arrangements. He is also an extremely talented composer.

Grainne is a world-class Irish harper with a beautifully precise playing style.

The musical contributions of these two are in perfect sync on this recording; their playing meshes beautifully and each really compliments the others talents. They are both multi-instrumentalists, and this CD really succeeds in bringing out the magic of their musical collaboration!


  1. Eibhlí Gheal Chiúin (Fair Gentle Eily)
  2. Da Thábh Air an Fharaidh, Da Foostra
  3. Mull of the Mountains, Drummond Castle
  4. Cam Ye by Atholl, Eliza Ross,A'Chubhag
  5. Lady Keith's Lament, Breton Gavotte
  6. Dermot O'Dowd
  7. Sporting Nell, The Hairy Chested Frog
  8. MacCrimmon's Lament, Brosna Slide
  9. Appomattox
  10. Ge Do Theid Mi Do M'leabaidh, Drunk at Night and Dry in the Morning
  11. Celia Connellan, The Rectory Reel
  12. Aoibhneas Eilís Ui Cheallaigh (Elizabeth Kelly's Favourite)
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